EuChemS is a not-for-profit organisation founded in 1970. Its object is to promote co-operation in Europe between non-profit-making scientific and technical societies in the field of chemistry and molecular sciences. EuChemS has 42 member societies which together represent more than 150,000 chemists in academia, industry, government and professional organisations in 32 countries across Europe. EuChemS has several Divisions and Working Groups which cover all areas of chemistry and bring together world class expertise in the underpinning science and development needed for innovation. We would especially like to invite you to browse the information on our Divisions and Working Parties, covering all areas of chemistry, and our Events where everyone is welcome. EuChemS is an Associated Organisation of IUPAC. EuChemS incorporates the role and responsibilities of the former Federation of European Chemical Societies and Professional Institutions (FECS) which adopted the name EuCheMS in 2004 and EuChemS (European Chemical Society) in 2018.