SCI-Division of Organic Chemistry - Awards
The Division of Organic Chemistry recognizes outstanding scientists with the following Medals:
- Angelo Mangini Gold Medal (yearly)
- Adolfo Quilico Gold Medal (yearly)
- Giorgio Modena Gold Medal (every two years)
- Giacomo Ciamician Silver Medal (yearly)
The Division of Organic Chemistry also recognizes outstanding scientists with the following Medals:
- Raffaele Piria Gold Medal (every three years, Medal of Società Chimica Italiana awarded to a scientist in Organic Chemistry at the National Congress of Società Chimica Italiana)
- Piero Pino Gold Medal (yearly, medal of Divisions of Organic Chemistry and of Industrial Chemistry, awarded by one division each year)
The Division of Organic Chemistry recognizes outstanding scientists with the following 8 Prizes for Scientific Research (4 senior + 4 junior; yearly) in the following research fields:
- Organic chemistry for the environment, energy and nanosciences
- Organic chemistry in its methodological aspects
- Organic chemistry for life sciences
- Organic chemistry for the development of processes and products in industry (the prize is reserved to a chemist active in industry)
Junior Prizes are recognized to young researchers who have obtained their PhD no more than 7 years ago
The Division of Organic Chemistry recognizes 3 Prizes for PhD Thesis (yearly) in the following research fields:
- Organic chemistry for the environment, energy and nanosciences
- Organic chemistry in its methodological aspects
- Organic chemistry for life sciences
The Executive Committee of the Division of Organic Chemistry strongly encourages Members to present numerous outstanding nominations, italian or foreign citizens, working either in Italy or abroad, for all the Medals and all Awards.
For further information:
Please contact us:
Head, Dr. Alessandro Abbotto, PhD,