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Sergio Facchetti


Messaggio in SCI List – 3 Aprile 2019

Tocca al sottoscritto, amici della Società Chimica Italiana, darvi a nome della SCI e mio personale il triste annuncio della scomparsa avvenuta il 30 marzo scorso del Professor Sergio Facchetti, caro amico e collega, prima nella Spettrometria di Massa Italiana e poi, negli ultimi anni, nell'EuChemS. Chi ha conosciuto Sergio lo ricorderà per la Sua umanità, il Suo tratto signorile, la Sua passione per la scienza, la Sua grande esperienza e professionalità.

Vado a memoria con alcune note biografiche. Sergio Facchetti, chimico analitico, grande esperto di Spettrometria di Massa e pioniere della disciplina in Italia, autore di innumerevoli pubblicazioni e libri nel settore, è stato direttore di ricerca presso l'Euratom, Joint Research Centre di Ispra; professore incaricato presso l'Università degli Studi di Milano, ed esperto ministeriale ai tempi del disastro di Seveso. Nel 1971 ha fondato, unitamente ad altri, il Gruppo Italiano di Spettrometria di Massa della SCI (divenuto successivamente Divisione della Società), divenendone primo Presidente. Organizzatore di molti convegni nazionali ed internazionali in spettrometria di massa, nel 1976 a Firenze fu il presidente del comitato organizzatore del 7th International Mass Spectrometry Conference. E' stato vicepresidente della Società Chimica Italiana nel triennio 1996-1998. Per molti anni, fino al 2015, è stato anche membro del Consiglio Direttivo del Consiglio Nazionale dei Chimici. Ancora oggi era membro del board per la EuChemS European Chemist professional designation. La sua esperienza internazionale, ed in particolare in ambito europeo, è stata ampiamente riconosciuta negli anni della sua partecipazione, quale appointed member, all'Executive Board dell'EuChems. L'EuChemS stessa ha ritenuto, nel 2018, di conferire a Sergio Facchetti l' "Award for Service, in recognition of his outstanding passion and hard work in fostering chemistry in Europe, along with the activities and goals of EuChemS. Through an exceptional 47 years of continuous work for EuChemS and its predecessor FECS, he successfully managed to broaden and increase the impact of EuChemS’ activities and to enhance the profile of chemistry and EuChemS, as well as the CNC. From originating the lead isotope experiments which eventually led to the banning of lead in fuels, to founding the Division of Chemistry and the Environment, to his major lectures and debates during the EXPO Milan, Sergio Facchetti significantly shaped the image of Chemistry in Europe and promoted the visibility of EuChemS ever more widely."

Ciao Sergio.

Franco De Angelis – Università dell’Aquila


Messaggi dei Suoi amici e colleghi

Con profondo dispiacere e tristezza apprendo della scomparsa di  Sergio, insigne scienziato, grande organizzatore e gentiluomo e sincero amico. Io ho incontrato Sergio per la prima volta nel 1972, e anche se negli ultimi anni non ci siamo frequentati, ho sempre mantenuto un ottimo ricordo.

Leopoldo Ceraulo – Università di Palermo


Lo ricordo con affetto e lo rimpiango.

Salvatore Coluccia – Università di Torino


Un commosso addio a Sergio, persona dalle straordinarie doti di simpatia e di umanità, con il quale ho condiviso - purtroppo per un tempo breve -  la passione per una disciplina che era alla sua infanzia.     

Rosario Nicoletti - Università di Roma La Sapienza


Ho letto con rammarico della scomparsa dell'amico Sergio, e nel momento della commossa partecipazione vorrei esprimere il mio sincero apprezzamento per quanto in SCI-list è scritto in ricordo di Sergio.

Domenico Misiti - Sapienza, Università di Roma


I was very surprised and saddened reading in Brussels News Updates about the passing of Sergio, such a nice a lovely person. In a way I am glad that EuCheMS succeeded to recognize him in time.

Ehud Keinan - President, the Israel Chemical Society:


EuChemS - Obituary: Sergio Facchetti

web site

Brussels News Update


It is with a heavy heart that we have learnt the news of Sergio Facchetti’s passing on the morning of Saturday 30 March 2019.

Sergio Facchetti, born in Borgo Ticino (Novara – Italy), was a leading scientist who gave outstanding service to the field and image of chemistry in Europe, as well as to EuChemS and its predecessor FECS, and for this we are eternally grateful.

His life’s work has had major and influential consequences, and his contributions to the field led to concrete transformations in science. Sergio worked in the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre laboratories in Ispra, firstly in the Radiation Chemistry Group of the NUCLIT corporation (1959-61), and subsequently as a European Official (1961-97) becoming the head of a division of over 100 people and coordinator for the Environmental Research Agency. His main work was on the identification of environmental pollutants – and it was through studies carried out in connection with the Seveso disaster of 1976 that he made his most far-reaching contributions. His work led to his appointment as adviser to the United States Government and originated the lead isotope experiments which eventually led to the banning of lead in fuels – an achievement he later recognised as one of his proudest moments. He was later coordinator of the Eureka project 674 on “Advanced Mobile Analytical Laboratory” – a project intensively used in many field investigations.

In addition to his work, Sergio was able to play a crucial role in the support of Chemistry as a whole, serving on the board of the CNC (1998-2017) and the Italian Chemical Society, founding in 1971 its Mass Spectrometry Division and serving as Vice-President from 1996 – 1998. He also occupied the posts of Vice-President of the European Chemistry Council and of the European Chemist Registration Board.

Sergio retired from the EuChemS Board in 2017 after an astonishing 47 years of continuous work on the Board of both FECS and EuChemS. Sergio was a highly active member of the community, continuously proposing new ways in which EuChemS could broaden its scope and increase its impact, whether through the organisation of major conferences, including the hosting of seven lectures during the EXPO Milan, or other initiatives.

In 2018, Sergio was awarded the EuChemS Award for Service for his tireless efforts and success in promoting chemistry and EuChemS’ work over the years. Whilst he was unable to make his way to Liverpool where the prizes were announced at the 7th EuChemS Chemistry Congress, his colleague and fellow Award for Service awardee Francesco De Angelis read out a letter Sergio had written. In it, he expressed his surprise and gladness at the award, but insisted that his work throughout the years was in his eyes, his duty.

Sergio was not only an inspiring scientist, whose work was characterised by a strong belief in ethical attitudes, but he was also a true gentleman, kind and thoughtful. Sergio’s passing is sad news for chemistry in Europe and sad news for the many people who knew Sergio, and he will be very much missed. But his work and contributions will not be forgotten, nor his incessant work in helping EuChemS and the community it represents be where it is today.

We send our most heartfelt condolences to his family.



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